
The history of CISEN goes back to 2006 with a first congress held at Valdivia (Chile). Since that experience the research networks kept a biennial frequence up to the present edition.

See the complete history of CISEN


The International Congress for Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics aims to consolidate as a forum for interaction and discussion about ecosystem services research and management in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through its various modalities of interaction (symposia, forums, conferences), the Congress will cover conceptual, methodological and applied aspects across case studies from all over the region. In this fourth edition, interactions among academia, decision-makers and other stakeholders will be promoted in order to contribute to ecosystem services research and the formulation of public policies for sustainable develeopment.

What are Ecosystem Services?

Nestor Maceira, president of CISEN4 Organising Comitee, tells us about the importance of the ecosystem services framework and the realization of this congress. Read the interview here (in Spanish).


26-11-2015 | Postulations to host CISEN5

The next edition of CISEN will be held during the second semester of 2017. We kindy invite you to apply for venues and organising groups. Those interested should send a letter to infocisen@geap.com.ar explaining your reasons to host and organise the next conference and fill-in the next form:

Click here to go to the form


20-10-2015 | Photos of the Congress

In the following link you can view and download the photos of the CISEN4.

Click here to access to all photos Foto grupal CISEN4

6-10-2015 | Certificates and survey

Certificates are now available for atendees to CISEN4:

Click here to download your certificate

We also invite you to fill-in a short anonimous satisfaction survey. This survey is designed to know your opinion about organisation and content of CISEN4. This will help us evaluate our work as organisers as well as make improvements for the fifth edition of the congress:

Click here to fill-in the survey.

19-9-2015 | Detailed program

The detailed conference program with all activities is available now from the downloads section.

28-8-2015 | Fifth Circular

The Fifth Circular is available with updated information about:
Check the circular in the downloads section.
¡See you soon in Mar del Plata!

21-7-2015 | Instructions for poster presentations

The measures indicated for posters are 90 x 120 cm. (width x height). Additionally, we suggest using the following font sized for a better legibility:

  • TITLE: 100 to 115 points.
  • AUTHORS: 38 points.
  • SUBTITLES: 52 points.
  • TEXT: 36 points.
  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (OPTIONAL): 28 to 30 points.

In all cases use ARIAL or VERDANA fonts for a better legibility of the text. We recommend the length of the text (from the title to the discussion) not to exceed 2.500 characters (with spaces).

21-6-2015 | Modality of presentation assigned

The Scientific Comitee of CISEN4 has now asigned the modality of presentation of accepted works. Get the list of works accepted and their modality of presentation (oral or poster) from our download section.

15-6-2015 | Registration to courses open

Registration to pre-congress courses will be open from 15 to 30 June. Find all the information in this link.

2-6-2015 | Fourth Circular - Results of evaluations

The Scientific Comitee has evaluated the abstracts submitted to CISEN4 following approppriateness and quality criteria. The list of abstracts accepted in each thematic area can be downloaded from the corresponding section.
In the fourth circular we also offer updated information on courses and pre congress workshops. You can download it from the corresponding section.

30-3-2015 | Abstract submission is now closed

Abstract submission to CISEN4 is now closed. We received a large number of abstracts from 13 countries of Latin America, North America and Europe. From now on, the Scientific Comitee is evaluating abstracts and fellowship applications. Results will be communicated on 1st June. Meanwhile, we will have news about courses, field trips and workshops.
Those who wish to participate as atendees without presentation can register following the instructions in the corresponding section.

30-3-2015 | New deadline for abstract submission

We inform that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended until 15th April. Attendees who wish to apply for a fellowship can also send their applications before this date. Don`t leave it to the last minute. We are looking forwars to receive your works!

14-2-2015 | Third circular

Abstract submission and payment of registration fee are now available. Keep informed about all recent news checking the third circular in the download section.

20-1-2015 | Instructions for abstract preparation

Instructions for short and extended abstract preparation are now available. You can see the details in this link. In the downloads section you can download templates of each type of abstract.

16-12-2014 | CISEN4 Second Circular

Early registrations to CISEN4 are now open. Please follow this link. In the Program section you will find the symposia subject areas and confirmed key note speakers.

29-10-2014 | CISEN4 Announced

We are pleased to announce the Fourth Internacional Congress of Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics to be held from 30 September to 3 October 2015 at Mar del Plata, Argentina. On this website you will find all the news. Do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on facebook.

  • Fourth International Congress of Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: from research to action
  • 30 September - 3 October 2015 | Mar del Plata
  • infocisen@geap.com.ar