History of CISEN

The research networks LANES, PROAGUA and VESPLAN were created with the goal of setting a common agenda on Ecosystem Services (SE) and link different actors with influence on decision making in this field of work. The linked countries through these networks are:Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, México, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay, as well as Cuba as representative of the Caribbean and Spain. In the context of these networks it is periodically organized the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE NEOTROPICS. The first three versions were held in 2006 (Valdivia, Chile), 2011 (Asunción, Paraguay) and 2013 (Medellín, Colombia).

The first Congress, held in November 2006 (Valdivia, Chile), was organized by the scientific group FORECOS of the Universidad Austral de Chile. At this meeting 108 papers were presented and 121 researchers and students from 13 countries attended, incluing the USA and other countries of the world. One of the agreements reached at the first congress was to promote the scientific advancement, dissemination, dialogue with policy-makers and the international collaboration in the field of ES, which are essential to promote the human welfare and social development in the countries of the region. As part of these actions the Second International Congress of Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics arises.

segundo congreso en Paraguay

The second version of the congress was held at Asunción (Paraguay) in November 2011 and was organized by Moisés Bertoni Foundation. This edition allowed to establish the latest advances in research on the field of ES in Latin America and the Caribbean, and promoted discussion and reflection among 75 participants from 12 countries on the different challenges that require the incorporation into the agenda of other institutional and social actors. In addition to showing the progress on issues related to mapping, assessment and valuation of ecosystem functions and sevices, conclussions were reached on the challenges for research and decision-making under this framework. Some of these challenges were:

  • Improve the understanding of the temporal patterns of ES provision at different scales.
  • Develop methods for evaluating the appropriation of the SE (or benefits) and its distribution in society, and their application to real situations.
  • Review and disseminate successful experiences in the integration of research and decision making incorporating the ES approach.
  • Establish the conditions under which the economic valuation of SE is relevant and useful.
  • Contextualize studies in space and time, given that ES are engaged in a complex and dynamic political, social and cultural environment in terms of relationships between its components. In this regard it is particularly necessary to understand the interests that give rise to conflicts in the use of ecosystems and natural resources that impact on the SE and the appropriation of its benefits.
  • Advance in the analysis of vulnerability to ES loss.
tercer congreso en Colombia

The third congress, held at Medellín (Colombia), was organized by the National University of Colombia (Medellín), the University of Antioquia, the networks LANES, PROAGUA and VESPLAN, the group FORECOS and Conservation International - Colombia. It aimed to establish the latest advances in research on the topic of ES in Latin America and the Caribbean, to promote discussion and reflection among experts from member countries, identify the challenges for incorporation into the agendas of other institutional and social actors. This version was held from 6 to 12 October 2013 with the participation of 230 people, including researchers, institutional actors, students and others. Attendees came from countries like Germany, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Guatemala, Holland, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Dominican Republic. It also benefited from the scientific contribution of 10 international experts who addressed the topic from different perspectives such as land management, vulnerability and risk, economic valuation and mapping of services. Sixty oral and 13 poster presentations were presented. These works presented revisions and proposals for addressing the conceptual and methodological frameworks as well as experiences applied in the different thematic areas of the conference. It also counted with the presence of Latin American representatives of Conservation International, through a plenary session where it were analyzed the regional experiences in ES mainstreaming and the possibilities for its installation in the region government´s agendas.

segundo congreso en Colombia segundo congreso en Colombia segundo congreso en Colombia


First Congress

  • Monitoring and quantification of ES such as water regulation, water production, erosion control, recreation, carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation and nutrient retention.
  • Climate change and disturbance impacts.
  • Economic valuation.
  • Ecological restoration.
  • Public policy.
  • Cultural and social aspects.
  • Education and extension.
  • Methods and transdisciplinary approaches.

Second Congress

  • Biophysical assessment and mapping of ES.
  • Experiences of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) and their socio-economic impact.
  • Impact of climate change and land-use change on the provision of ES.
  • ES recovery through ecological restoration.
  • Social communication related to ES.
  • Incorporation of ES in public policy and decision-making

Third Congress

  • Assessment of ecosystem functions and services: measuring, monitoring and mapping.
  • Economic and social Valuation: mapping benefits, economic valuation of benefits, processes of socio-cultural valuation of ES, trade-off analysis.
  • Risk and ES: mapping and assessment of vulnerability to ecosystem ecosystem function loss, risk of of society to loss of ES.
  • Decision making and public policy: land-use planning, watershed planning, implementation and design of incentives and policies for managing ES.
  • ES and society: environmental education experiences in the field of ES, experiences to local and/or regional levels in the conservation of ES in whico the community is involved, socialization experiences, dissemination and/or sensitization to society.
  • Fourth International Congress of Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: from research to action
  • 30 September - 3 October 2015 | Mar del Plata
  • infocisen@geap.com.ar