Field trips

On Saturday 3rd October we will offer different options of field trips to sites of natural and cultural value to visit them and interact with local social actors. The field trips have an extra cost not included in the congress fee. The payment can be donde during the conference days.


Mar Chiquita Biosphere Reserve: through sand dunes and ponds of Buenos Aires Province

Environments: Mar Chiquita Biosphere Reserve, conserve most representative habitats of Pampean coasts, such as grasslands, saltmarshes, freshmarshes, dunes, a pristine sea coast and as a distinctive feature the coastal lagoon. This diversity of habitats hosts a high diversity of birds (~180 species).
Activities: The visit includes a day running with stops and short walks for each one of the representative habitats guided by ornithologists (all researchers from the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata) with comprehensive knowledge about flora and fauna of the region. We will provide a coffee (and mate) with cookies for a snack in the afternoon.
Timetable: 9:00 a 18:00
Distance from Mar del Plata: 30 km
Useful recommendations: comfortable shoes and clothes, water, food for lunch.


Laguna Nahuel Rucá Mar Chiquita Laguna Nahuel Rucá

Tour to the mountain environment: the mountains as a refuge for biodiversity and relict of the pampas grasslands

Environments: The Tandilia orographic system, also known as Buenos Aires Septentrional Hills, spreads over Southeast pampas plains of Argentina. In this rolling plains relief largely covered by crops, the mountains emerge as islands of natural vegetation in what was originally a sea of grasslands. The environment of these mountains is of special interest because of their geographic isolation and its geological age. The mountain vegetation has a distinctive biodiversity with more than 400 species of native vascular plants and rich in endemic species. Hills also house a conspicuous fauna typical of the Pampas species.
Activities: The trip proposes a hike through the “Sierra de los Difuntos” with stops at different sites representative of serrano environment. The activity will be guided by professionals with knowledge of the flora, fauna and ecology of the system. We will offer a luch meal, tea, mate and cookies for a snack with panoramic view at the top of the mountain.
Timetable: 8:30 a 18:00
Distance from Mar del Plata: 18 km
Useful recommendations: it is suggested water, sunblock, cap, trekking shoes and a backpack to carry the lunch meal.


Estancia Reserva Privada Paititi Estancia Reserva Privada Paititi Estancia Reserva Privada Paititi

Samborombón Bay: grasslands for conservation and production

Environments: native grasslands of the Pampas region, including the last relict of a population of the Pampas Deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in its natural habitat within the Buenos Aires province territory.
Activities: (1) Visit to a private reserve where farmers conduct sustainable cattle raising, (2) visit to the Campos del Tuyú National Park and buffer area (neighbour farm) where farmers also manage grasslands for the conservation of the Pampas deer and for the benefit of domestic cattle.
Timetable: 7:00 a 18:00
Distance from Mar del Plata: 250 km
Useful recommendations: water, sunblock, cap and trekking shoes.


PN Campos del Tuyu Venado de las Pampas Campo Ganadero Los Nanduces

  • Fourth International Congress of Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: from research to action
  • 30 September - 3 October 2015 | Mar del Plata