
Programa CISEN4
  • * Thematic areas of poster sessions correspond to each day´s symposia.
  • ** Registration during Monday and Tuesday will take place in the courses venues.

Congress structure

The congress will be organized around the following activities

Side events


In this mode, there will be oral and poster presentations of studies and experiences. Work presented in symposia and poster sessions will be selected by the scientific committee from those abstracts submitted following the submission guidelines and organised according to the the following themes:

1. Ecosystem functions and services characterization and assessment
- Identification, modeling and mapping of ES
- Vulnerability and environmental risk assessment
- Monitoring
Coordinators: Pedro Laterra (GEAP, CONICET), Juan Camilo Villegas (Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
2. Economic and Social valuation of ecosystem services
- Processes and methods of ecosystem services economic and social valuation
- Processes and methods of benefits economic and social valuation
Coordinators: Berta Martin Lopez (UAM), Juan Carlos Manchado (INTA)
3. Incorporation of ecosystem services in decision-making
- Public policy instruments: land-use planning and environmental monitoring plans
- The role of economic instruments in public policy
- Instruments for incorporating ecosystem services in private initiatives
- Ecosystem services governance
Coordinators: José Paruelo (IFEVA - FAUBA), Alice Altesor (UDELAR, Uruguay)
4. Ecosystem services and society
- Environmental education and ecosystem services
- Participatory work in ecosystem services research. Transdisciplinary approaches.
- Experiences of social communication, outreach and rural extension.
Coordinators: Daniel Cáceres (Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina, CONICET), Cornelia Flora (Iowa State University)
5. Ecosystem management for the provision of ecosystem services
- Ecosystems conservation for ecosystem services provision
- Ecosystems restoration for ecosystem services provision
- Management and planning of agro-ecosystems for sustainable ecosystem services provision
Coordinators: María Elena Zaccagnini (INTA), José María Rey Benayas (Universidad de Alcalá)
6. Land-use change and ecosystem services
- Scenario analysis of land-use change and ecosystem service impacts
- Trade-offs and synergies between ecosystem services
- Regional planning
Coordinators: Sandra Luque (University of St Andrews, UK), Gregorio Gavier (INTA)

Discussion Forums

Forums will provide a space for panel and plenary discussion about the following topics of relevance at the interface among academia, decision-makers and other social actors. Forums will consist of panel presentations of invited speakers and a debate open to all attendees. Three themes will be covered:

I. Environmental law and public policy
- Tools for ES management and decision making: Experiences in Land-Use Plans and Environmental Observatories. Indicators.
- Gobernance, dependencies and relationships between stakeholders, states and markets and ESE. Sectoral economic development, public and private funding, risk management.
- Environmental law: eficacy and eficiency in ES management. Aliances for the formulation of laws and policies.
Coordinators: Nicolás Lucas (TNC), Fernando Milano (UNICEN)
II. Bottom-up initiatives for the conservation of ecosystem services
- Experiences and lessons learned of ES framework incorporation in bottom-up innitiatives, including or not mechanisms of payment for ES.
- Conflicts between development and conservation under the framework of ES.
Coordinators: Fernando Miñarro (FVSA), Roberto Vides-Almonacid (FCBC-CEM/UICN)
III. Regional experiences in ecosystem services
- Presentation of pre-congress regional workshops results (Pampas, Northwest Argentina, Cuyo and AMBA) to be held during the first semester 2015 and organised by INTA in the frame of CISEN4).
Coordinators: Paula Natinzon (INTA), Natalia Murillo (INTA)

reunion de trabajo Reserva Paititi trabajo con comunidades wichi taller de ordenamiento rural Balcarce

Keynote speakers

Sandra Díaz

Sandra Diaz

Sandra Díaz obtained her BS and PhD in Biology from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba de Argentina (UNC). She is a senior researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) and professor of the Biological Diversity and Ecology Department of the Exact, Physic and Natural Sciences Faculty (UNC). She works at the Multidisciplinary Institute of Plant Biology (CONICET-UNC). Her research focuses on understanding the interactions between plant functional types and ecosystem processes and services in the context of global change. She is recognized for her leading role in the theoretic develpment and practical implementation of the concept of functional diversity, its effects on ecosystem properties and its social relevance. Sandra was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). In 2009 she was elected as one of the 18 foreign associates of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (NAS) in the Environmental Sciences and Ecology section. Currently, she actively participates in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES), and she is the General Scientific Coordinator of DiverSus, an international network of researchers on Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Sustainability. Recently, she has been awarded the Platinum Konex Prize (2013).

Who cares about biodiversity? Functional diversity and nature valuation in real ecosystems

See abstract

Laura Nahuelhual

Laura Nahuelhual

Laura Nahuelhual is an Agronomic Engineer and obtained a PhD on Agricultural and Resource Economy from the Colorado State University (USA). Since 2001 she is an academic of the Agricultural Economy Institute where she has collaborated in under and postgraduate courses at the faculties of Veterinary, Sciences, Forestry and Natural Resource Science and Economy of the Universidad Austral de Chile. She has published 27 articles in peer reviewed journals and she is co-author of seven books and book chapters. She has carried out projects on ecosystem service economic valuation and assessment promoting transdisciplinary work in this field. To date, she manages solid collaboration networks both in the scientific and decision-making areas. From 2009 to 2012 the Faculty of Agronomy has awarded her outstanding scientific productivity. Currently, she is part of a research group at the Centro de Ciencia del Clima y Resiliencia (CR2), where she leads investigations on vulnerability and ecosystem services.

Socioecological vulnerability: a bridge between ecosystem services and wellbeing

See abstract

Simone Maynard

Simone Maynard

Simone has a degree in Environmental Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology); a Diploma in Community Natural Resource Management; and a PhD focused on methodologies (process, information and tools) for integrated ecosystem services assessments across multiple scales. As Director of her own consulting company and a Scholar at the Australian National University she facilitates social consensus to develop and implement ecosystem services frameworks. In 2011 Simone was invited to address the Prime Minister on "ecosystem services approach for a sustainable Australia". She is a Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Asia Pacific Regional Assessment and Liaison Expert for the Thematic Assessment on the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. Simone is also the Community of Practice Moderator for UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook. She has taught ecosystem services concepts at universities, delivered on numerous government and private sector consultancies and published in books and journals. She is on the Executive Committee of the Ecosystem Services Partnership (as well, Coordinator of the Regional Chapters and National Networks); on the Editorial Board of the journal Ecosystem Services; and has contributed to the UN’s System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (UN SEEA) and The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). She has received many scholarships and awards, including a Planning Institute of Australia Award for the South East Queensland (SEQ) Ecosystem Services Project that she previously managed.

How appropriate is your framework for conducting ecosystem services assessments?!

See abstract

Pablo Tittonell

Pablo Titonnel

Pablo Tittonell is since March 2012 chair Professor of the group Farming Systems Ecology of Wageningen University, in The Netherlands, and holds external Professorships at the Ecole Doctorale Sibaghe of the University of Montpellier, France and at the National University of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina. He is an agronomist by training and holds a PhD in Production Ecology and Resource Conservation and his areas of expertise include soil fertility, agroecology and farming systems analysis. He participated in a diversity of research and development projects around the world, on design, resilience and adaptation of farming systems. His career in the international research arena (CGIAR) started at the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) Institute of CIAT in Nairobi, Kenya, and at the University of Zimbabwe, where he run research and educational programmes on soil fertility, conservation agriculture and agroecosystems modelling. He worked at CIRAD (Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement) where he led a research team on Systems Design and Evaluation with activities in America, Asia and Africa. He is a board member of the African Conservation Tillage network, coordinator of the community of practice on Farming Systems Design within the European Society for Agronomy, and the European focal point of the Latin American Society for Agroecology (SOCLA). Since January 2015 he is the coordinator of the National Program on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecoregions of the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INTA) of Argentina.

Ecological intensification: from generation to use of ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes

See abstract

Side events

Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina Session

Presentation of Environmental Situation Argentina 2015.

SAYDS Session: The challenges of the Native Forests Law and the conservation of ES

The National Law No. 26.331 "Protection of Native Forests" positions Argentina as the first country in Latin America to grant funding to the provinces to be strengthened institutionally and compensate those who conserve and sustainably manage the goods and services provided by native forests. Following this line of sustainable management policy with social inclusion, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation (SAyDS), together with the National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA) and partner provinces, implement the project "Incentives for Conservation of Ecosystem Services of Global Significance", whose main objective is to design and test different types of payments for ecosystem services, which recovery in production, economic, ecological and social terms, within the framework of the Forest Act, is one of the challenges to be discussed in this event.

Keynote speakers:

  • Dr. Sergio Lorusso - Secretario de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación (SAyDS)
  • Dra. Silvia Révora - Subsecretaria de Planificación y Política Ambiental de la SAyDS
  • Lic. Inés Gómez - Directora de Bosques de la SAyDS
  • Dr. José Alberto Gobbi - Coordinador General del Proyecto Incentivos para la Conservación de Servicios Ecosistémicos de Importancia Global / INTA

Screening of documentary "Gran Chaco"

SYNOPSIS: “Gran Chaco” is a documentary that exposes the socio environmental conflict that affects the largest forested region after Amazonia. It is an ethnographic view that shows the relation between native people with nature and the problems caused by deforestation due to agricultural frontier advance. The testimony of diferent social actors shows us the cultural richness, the beauty, biodiversity and the conflict of a until now relegated region; composed by Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Brasil.

Official website of the film

After the screening there will be a debate with the film director and some of the researchers that participated with their testimony in the documentary. This activity is open and free to all the society.

VENUE: Espacio Cultural Unzué (Río Negro 3500 y La Costa)

  • Fourth International Congress of Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: from research to action
  • 30 September - 3 October 2015 | Mar del Plata