
Our vision

Agroecosystems provide diverse Ecosystem Services, understood as the contributions of ecosystems to human well-being. Historically, efforts to increase the provision of Ecosystem Services have been mainly oriented to the provision of food, fibers and fuels, to the detriment of other services such as regulation and cultural services. The increase in production has been achieved through the intensification and expansion of agriculture over natural areas, generating as a consequence strong changes in the productive capacities of the soil, loss of biodiversity and change in the disturbance regimes. These changes threaten the sustainability of agroecosystems and their capacity to provide Ecosystem Services.

The study of ecological processes in agroecosystems is necessary to evaluate the environmental costs and benefits of different production models, identify the most relevant functions and the most urgent threats to bring the systems to a state of greater sustainability.

What do we do?

  • Assessment and monitoring of land-use change through teledetection and Geographical Information Systems.
  • Quantification and mapping of ecosystem functions and services at landscape and regional scale.
  • Assesment of ecological interactions relevant for agricultural production.
pocesos ecológicos en paisajes rurales

In this research line we are developing ECOSER, a colaborative protocol for the assessment and mapping of ecosystem services. This protocol was designed as a tool to support decision making in land-use plans.

To access ECOSER website click here.

Current projects

Chaco serrano
2020-2023. Impact of Chaco deforestation and degradation on biodiversity and ecosystem services: application of optical and radar remote sensing to the design of conservation landscapes.

Funding: FONCYT 2020-1329

Director: Laura Marisa Bellis

Muestreo de suelo
VETA: spontaneous vegetation in the transition to agroecology: functional characters, potential ecosystem services and management proposals

Funding: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Director: Lorena Herrera y Paula Natinzon

Muestreo de suelo
2021-2025. SOILDGUARD -Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental, economic and social wellbeing

Funding: Proyecto Horizonte 2020 financiado por la Unión Europea

Director: Juan Gaitán y Paula Barral

terraza vegetada
2021-2024. Towards the sustainability of the rural landscapes of Southeast of Buenos Aires: ecosystem services, promotion instruments and social acceptability of the use of service crops and conservation of linear elements.

Funding: FONCYT 2019-2072

Director: Federico Weyland

materia organica del suelo
2020-2022. Dinámica de fracciones de la materia orgánica del suelo en agroecosistemas

Funding: FONCYT 2018-03786

Director: Sebastián Villarino

Sierras de Tandilia
2019-2020. Aligning social and ecological connectivity for better conservation of grasslands in the Pampa Region of Argentina.

Funding: Neotropical Grassland Conservancy

Director: Lorena Herrera

erosión hídrica
2020-2023. Design and implementation of a national system for monitoring degradation at different scales, with the goal of neutralizing land degradation

Funding: INTA

Director: Juan Gaitán

Golondrina tijerita en campo
2020-2023. Assessment, monitoring and management of biodiversity in agricultural and forestry systems

Funding: INTA

Director: Natalia Fracassi

Arroyo en un agroecosistema
2019-2022. Riparian environments and their role in the supply of the water purification ecosystem service: development of criteria and tools for the sustainable planning of rural watersheds

Funding: FONCYT PICT 2017-0260

Director: Paula Barral

Past projects

Zorro gris pampeano
2019-2021. Eco-epidemiological role of domestic and wild canids in the life cycle of Neospora caninum and its spatial association with seroprevalence in cattle in the Mar y Sierras Lechera Basin, Buenos Aires province, Argentina.

Funding: FONCYT 2018-01167

Director: Nathalia Scioscia

Turistas rurales haciendo observacion de aves
2016-2018. Towards multifunctional landscapes: rural tourism as an integrator of ecosystem services of food production, recreation and habitat provision for wildlife

Funding: Fondo Para la Conservación Ambiental (FOCA) - Banco Galicia, FONCYT PICT 2015-0647

Director: Federico Weyland

2013-2019. Assessment, management and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services in productive systems.

Funding: INTA (PE PNNAT 1128053)

Director: Sonia Canavelli

tranquera en Balcarce
2013-2019. Observatorios de sustentabilidad ambiental.

Funding: INTA Programa Nacional - Recursos Naturales, gestión ambiental y ecorregiones.

Director: Donald Bran

2013-2019. Proyecto Regional con Enfoque Territorial del sudeste del CERBAS.

Funding: INTA

Director: Silvia Maris Rouvier

logo proyecto Best P
2013-2018. Bridging Ecosystem Services and Territorial Planning (BEST-P): A southern South American initiative.

Funding: Programa CNR3 del IAI (Inter American Institute for Studies on Global Change).

Director: José M. Paruelo

bosque chaqueño
2016-2018. Native forests, ecoystem services and human wellbeing in argentinian Northern Dry Chaco: and interdisciplinary approach to vulnerability and socio-ecological conflicts

Funding: FONCYT. PICTO 2014-0046.

Director: Matías Mastrangelo

Solanum commersonii en flor
2017-2018. Population study of Solanum commersonii Dunal (Solanaceae) under different defoliation regimes in a plant community of the Paititi Natural Reserve dominated by Paspalum quadrifarium Lam

Funding: FCA, UNMdP

Director: Osvaldo Vignolio

abeja en flor de girasol
2016-2018. Restoration of the pollination service in a fragmented landscape: connecting plants and animals in the Pampean agriculture matrix

Funding: FONCYT PICT-2015-1691

Director: Malena Sabatino

bosque chaqueño
2015-2016. Valuing ecosystem services and landscape multifunctionality in the Semiarid Chaco: conceptual and methodological constributions for land-use planning

Funding: FONCYT. PICT 2014-3092.

Director: Matías Mastrangelo

Solanum en pastizales serranos
2015-2016. Population study of Solanum commersonii Dunal (Solanaceae) in a highland ecosystem of the Tandilia system (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Funding: UNMDP (AGR 484/15)

Director: Osvaldo Vignolio.

logo Red Vesplan
2013-2016. Thematic network “Vulnerability, Ecosystem Services and Rural Land Planning (VESPLAN)”.

Funding: Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED).

Director: Pedro Laterra. 11 grupos de investigación de 8 países.

paisaje rural balcarce
2013-2015. Land-use complementarity and synergism between ecosystem services in multifunctional rural landscapes.

Funding: FONCYT. PICT012-0607.

Director: Pedro Laterra

vaca en sistema silvopastoril del Chaco
2012-2014. Evaluation of ecosystem services and rural landscape multifunctionality.

Funding: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. AGR 389/12.

Director: Pedro Laterra

2014-2016. Implementation of Ecological Modeling and Geographic Information System tools to the conservation of wild species under the framework of pampean rural land-use planning and sustainable management.

Funding: Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica PICT 2012-0192

Director: Julieta Pedrana

2013-2015. Living on the edge: Population of Ruddy-headed Goose declining.

Funding: Antarctic Research Trust; North Star, Science and Technology

Director: Julieta Pedrana, Lucía Bernad

endofito en microscopio
2012-2014. Diagnosis and dynamic of endophyte fungus infection transmited by seeds in forage grasses of agronomic importance.

Funding: UNMDP (Proyecto AGR410/13)

Director: Mabel N. Colabelli CO-DIRECTOR: Osvaldo Fernández.

Our vision

In agroecosystems human agency is a key factor of ecological processes. Behind every change in the system, there are human beings who make decisions under a complex combination of motivations, perceptions, abilities and limitations. Therefore, the sustainability of agroecosystems and rural landscapes is regulated, in part, by feedback mechanisms between local quality of life and the maintenance of natural capital; where economic, institutional, cultural and psycho-social factors intervene.

These regulatory mechanisms represent the basis of any sustainable governance scheme of the natural capital of agroecosystems, whose understanding requires interdisciplinary and systemic approaches. Even so, this understanding may have little impact on decision-making, unless both researchers and the main non-academic social actors are informed, contribute, have access, are empowered and commit themselves based on an integrated vision of the problem ( transdisciplinary or participatory research).

This research line is aimed at understanding the social mechanisms that generate ecological processes and patterns in agroecosystems. In this way, we seek to identify the most effective strategies to intervene in this in a more sustainable manner.

What do we do?

  • Analysis of social valuation of agroecosystems and rural landscapes, and of land-use decision making by farmers.
  • Study of agroecosystems leverage points to reach sustainability.
  • Assessment of local and supralocal governance processes of rural landscapes important for conservation.
integrantes del GEAP trabajando con actgores sociales

Current projects

terraza vegetada
2021-2024. Towards the sustainability of the rural landscapes of Southeast of Buenos Aires: ecosystem services, promotion instruments and social acceptability of the use of service crops and conservation of linear elements.

Funding: FONCYT 2019-2072

Director: Federico Weyland

Sierras de Tandilia
2019-2020. Aligning social and ecological connectivity for better conservation of grasslands in the Pampa Region of Argentina.

Funding: Neotropical Grassland Conservancy

Director: Lorena Herrera

Modelado participativo de socio ecosistemas
2016-2020. Participative modeling of socio-ecosystems for the governance of natural capital and its ecosystem services

Funding: FONCYT PICT 2015-0672

Director: Pedro Laterra

Past projects

Turistas rurales haciendo observacion de aves
2016-2018. Towards multifunctional landscapes: rural tourism as an integrator of ecosystem services of food production, recreation and habitat provision for wildlife

Funding: Fondo Para la Conservación Ambiental (FOCA) - Banco Galicia, FONCYT PICT 2015-0647

Director: Federico Weyland

bosque chaqueño
2016-2018. Native forests, ecoystem services and human wellbeing in argentinian Northern Dry Chaco: and interdisciplinary approach to vulnerability and socio-ecological conflicts

Funding: FONCYT. PICTO 2014-0046.

Director: Matías Mastrangelo

bosque chaqueño
2015-2016. Valuing ecosystem services and landscape multifunctionality in the Semiarid Chaco: conceptual and methodological constributions for land-use planning

Funding: FONCYT. PICT 2014-3092.

Director: Matías Mastrangelo

taller de trabajo
2015-2017. Working together in the agroecosystem to value geese as natural heritage.

Funding: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Director: Liliana Picone

frontera soja bosque en Chaco
2013-2015. Conserving Dry Tropical Forests on Agricultural Frontiers of the Gran Chaco.

Funding: The Rufford Foundation

Director: Matías Mastrangelo

2012-2014. Environmental education and social valoration of wild geese in southern Buenos Aires province.

Funding: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Director: Liliana Picone

Our vision

The intensification of production systems without adequate planning has led to serious socio-environmental problems. In this context, the understanding of the ecological processes and the social factors that underlie them allow for the development of more sustainable management alternatives.

The environmental management of rural landscapes is carried out at different spatial scales and with focus on different components of the system. At the smaller scales, it focuses on developing management practices for species or environments with the potential to provide different Ecosystem Services or with special conservation needs, such as endangered species.

On a larger scale environmental management can be addressed from the rural land-use planning, which is considered as a participatory and dynamic process of land-use organization and occupation of the territory according to its ecological, environmental, socio-economic, cultural and political-institutional characteristics in order to promote sustainable development. In the allocation of uses, land-use planning must consider the potentialities and limitations of each environment to sustain the different human activities, distribute them in a balanced way in the space and guarantee the supply of critical ecosystem functions. Active social participation is fundamental in planning processes so that emerging proposals consider the multiplicity of visions, needs and aspirations of the inhabitants of the territory.

What do we do?

  • Development of tools to support decision making in rural land-use planning.
  • Study of ecological potential and social feasibility of native flora and fauna use in agroecosystems.
procesos de gestion ambiental

Current projects

terraza vegetada
2021-2024. Towards the sustainability of the rural landscapes of Southeast of Buenos Aires: ecosystem services, promotion instruments and social acceptability of the use of service crops and conservation of linear elements.

Funding: FONCYT 2019-2072

Director: Federico Weyland

Franjas de vegetacion ribereña
2020-2023. Soil and water remediation and ecological restoration of degraded systems due to agricultural, agroindustrial use and extractive activities

Funding: INTA

Director: Carolina Sasal

Relevamientos de calidad de agua
2020-2023. Contributions for the integrated management of water resources (IWRM) in basins of the Argentine Agri-Food System

Funding: INTA

Director: Esteban Miguel

Vista aérea de lotes de cultivo y remanentes de bosque
2020-2023. Alternativas socio-agro-ambientales: prospectiva, observatorios y ordenamiento territorial para la sustentabilidad agroalimentaria

Funding: INTA

Director: Javier Vitale

Golondrina tijerita en campo
2020-2023. Assessment, monitoring and management of biodiversity in agricultural and forestry systems

Funding: INTA

Director: Natalia Fracassi

Unidad Demostrativa Agroecológica Balcarce
2017-. Balcarce Agroecologicial Demostrative Unit (UDAB).

Funding: INTA REDAE: Red de Agroecología

Director: Nestor Maceira

Past projects

2013-2019. Desarrollo de herramientas y validación de metodologías para el estudio, gestión y manejo de los sistemas productivos, contribuyendo a su resiliencia socio agroambiental.

Funding: INTA Programa Nacional - Recursos Naturales, gestión ambiental y ecorregiones.

Director: Gregorio Gavier-Pizarro

taller ordenamiento territorial rural Balcarce
2013-2019. Soporte técnico y capacitación en procesos de ordenamiento territorial rural.

Funding: INTA Programa Nacional - Recursos Naturales, gestión ambiental y ecorregiones.

Director: Beatriz Liliana Giobellina

2013-2019. Develpment and validation of tools and methodologies for the study and environmental management of productive systems.

Funding: INTA (PE PNNAT 1128052)

Director: Gregorio Gavier-Pizarro

atardecer en bosque chaqueño
2016-2018. PASANOA: Pathways to sustainable land management in Northern Argentina

Funding: Ministerio de Educación e Investigación de Alemania

Director: Tobías Kuemmerle

logo proyecto Best P
2013-2018. Bridging Ecosystem Services and Territorial Planning (BEST-P): A southern South American initiative.

Funding: Programa CNR3 del IAI (Inter American Institute for Studies on Global Change).

Director: José M. Paruelo

2017-2018. Management practices to reduce toxicity of Festuca arundinacea infected with the asyntomatic endofite Epichloë.

Funding: FCA, UNMdP

Director: Osvaldo Vignolio

Bosque con sucesión secundaria en agroecosistema pampeano
2016-2017. Biodiversity refuges in agroecosystems: research-action for the recovery of ecosystem functions

Funding: Programa de Cooperativismo y Economía Social en la Universidad - Ministerio de Educación de la Nación

Director: Federico Weyland

2012-2013. Conservation, characterization and use of native and naturalized genetic resources of agronomic value.

Funding: UNMDP (Proyecto AGR304/10)

Director: Mercedes Echeverría