  • Balvanera, P., M. Uriarte, L. Almeida-Leñero, A. Altesor, F. DeClerck, T. Gardner, J. Hall, A. Lara, P. Laterra, M. Peña-Claros, D.M. Silva Matos, L.P. Romero-Duque, A.L. Vogl, L.F. Arreola, Á.P. Caro-Borrero, F. Gallego, M. Jain, C. Little, R. de Oliveira Xavier, J.M. Paruelo, J.E. Peinador, L. Poorter, N. Ascarrunz, F. Correa, M. B. Cunha-Santino, A. P. Hernández-Sánchez, M. Vallejos, 2012. Ecosystem services research in Latin America: The state of the art. Ecosystem Services 2:56-70.
  • Barral, M.P., Maceira, N.O. 2012. Landuse planning based on ecosystem service assessment: A case study in the Southeast Pampas of Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 154: 34-43.
  • Booman, G.C., M. Callandroni, P. Laterra, F. Cabria, O. Iribarne, P. Vázquez. 2012. Areal Changes of Lentic Water Bodies Within an Agricultural Basin of the Argentinean Pampas. Disentangling Land Management from Climatic Causes. Journal of Environmental Management 50: 1058-1067.
  • Herrera, L.P., P. Laterra, 2011. Relative influence of size, connectivity and disturbance history on plant species richness and assemblages in fragmented grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 181-188.
  • Laterra, P., M. E. Orúe y G. Booman 2012. Spatial complexity and ecosystem services in rural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 154: 56-67.
  • Llobet, M., Vignolio, O.R., Savé, R., Biel, C. 2012. Above- and below-ground interactions between Lotus tenuis and Cynodon dactylon under different fertilization levels. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2012, 92:(1) 45-53
  • Viglizzo, E.F., Paruelo, J.M., Laterra, P., Jobbágy, E.G. 2012. Ecosystem service evaluation to support land-use policy. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 154: 78-84.
  • Herrera L., Texeira, M., Paruelo, J. 2013. Fragment size, vegetation structure and physical environment control grassland functioning in the Southern Pampa, Argentina. Applied Vegetation Science 16: 426-437.
  • Mastrángelo, M; Gavin, Michael; Laterra, P; Linklater, W; Milfont, T, 2013. Psycho-social factors influencing forest conservation intentions on the agricultural frontier. Conservation Letters 7: 103-110.
  • Petigrosso, L.R., Colabelli, M.N., Fernández, O.N., Ispizúa, V., Cendoya, M.G. 2013. Incidence of the endophyte fungus Neotyphodium coenophialum in pastures of tall fescue differing in age and soil characteristics. Afr. J. Agric. Res. 8(22): 2655-2662.
  • Mastrangelo, ME; F Weyland; SH Villarino; MP Barral L Nahuelhual; P Laterra, 2014. Concepts and methods for landscape multifunctionality and a unifying framework based on ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology 29, 345-358.
  • Paruelo, J, Jobbágy, EG, Laterra, P, Dieguez, H, García Collazo, MA, Panizza, A (Eds.) Ordenamiento Territorial Rural. Conceptos, métodos y experiencias. Buenos Aires, FAO, MAGyP y FAUBA. 576 pp.
  • Pedrana, J., Bernad, L., Maceira, N.O. Isacch, J.P. 2014. Human-Sheldgeese conflict in agricultural landscapes: Effects of environmental and human predictors on Sheldgeese distribution in the Southern Pampa, Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 183: 31-39.
  • Sáez A., Sabatino M. & M.A. Aizen, 2014. La diversidad floral del borde afecta la riqueza y abundancia de visitantes florales nativos en cultivos de girasol. Ecología Austral 24: 94-102.
  • Villarino, S.H., Studdert, G.A., Laterra, P., Cendoya, M.G., 2014. Agricultural impact on soil organic carbon content: Testing the IPCC carbon accounting method for evaluations at county scale. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 185, 118-132.
  • Vignolio, O.R., Cambareri, G.S., Petigrosso, L.R., 2014. Cambios en los atributos vegetativos y reproductivos de las plantas de Lotus tenuis (Fabaceae) sembradas a diferentes densidades. Revista Argentina de Producción Animal. 33(2):79-90.
  • Weyland, F. y P. Laterra, 2014. Recreation potential assessment at large spatial scales: a method based in the ecosystem services approach and landscape metrics. Ecological Indicators 39, 34-43.
  • Barral, M.P., Rey Benayas, JM., Meli, P., Maceira, N.O. 2015. Quantifying the impacts of ecological restoration on biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems: a global meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 202: 223-231.
  • Mastrángelo, M., P. Laterra 2015. From biophysical to socio-ecological trade-offs: integrating biodiversity conservation and agricultural production in Dry Chaco agricultural frontiers. Ecol. and Society 20(1): 20
  • Mastrangelo, ME, Weyland, F, Herrera, LP, Villarino, SH, Barral, MP, Auer, AD, 2015. Ecosystem services research in contrasting socio-ecological contexts of Argentina: Critical assessment and future directions. Ecosystem Services 16, 63-73.
  • Nahuelhual, L., P. Laterra, S. Villarino, M. Mastrángelo, A. Carmona, A. Jaramillo, P. Barral, N. Burgos. 2015. Mapping of ecosystem services: missing links among what, how and what for. Ecosystem Services, 13: 162–172.
  • Pedrana, J.; Seco Pon, J.P.; Isacch, J.P.; Leiss, A.; Rojas, P.O.; Castresana, G.; Calvo, J.; Bernad, L.; Muñoz, S.D.; Maceira, N.O. & Pütz, K. 2015. First insights into the migration pattern of an Upland goose (Chloephaga picta) based on satellite tracking. Onitología Neotropical 26 (3): 245-253.
  • Pedrana, J.; Bernad, L.; Maceira, N.O.; Isacch, J.P. 2015. Conflict between the Greater Rhea and humans in agricultural landscapes: implications for conservation of the last large herbivore of the southern Pampas. Emu 115 (4): 335-344
  • Sabatino CM, N. Maceira y A. Rover. 2015. Germinación de Eryngium regnellii: especie clave para la restauración ecológica de las interacciones planta-polinizador en la Pampa Austral (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Revista Internacional de Botánica Experimental Phyton Vol 84: 435-443
  • Borrás, G., Herrera, L., Auer, A., Videla, C., 2016. Construcción de Observatorios Ambientales: Experiencia participativa en la Cuenca Alta del Arroyo Malacara, partido de Balcarce, Argentina. Revista de Estudios Ambientales. Vol 4, p.19-41
  • Giaccio, G.; Laterra, P.; Aparicio, V. & Costa, J.L. 2016. Glyphosate retention in grassland riparian areas is reduced by the invasion of exotic trees. Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany 85:000-000 (in press).
  • Herrera, L.; Sabatino, M.; Gastón, A. & S. Saura. 2016. Grassland connectivity explains entomophilous plant species assemblages in an agricultural landscape of the Pampa region, Argentina. Austral Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/aec.12468.
  • Laterra, P., Barral, M.P., Carmona, A., Nahuelhual, L. 2016. Focusing conservation efforts on ecosystem service supply may increase vulnerability of socio-ecological systems. PLOS ONE. 11(5): e0155019. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155019
  • Vignolio O.R.; Cambareri G.S.; Petigrosso L.R.; Murillo, N.; Maceira, N.O. 2016. Reproductive Development of Lotus tenuis (Fabaceae) Crop Defoliated at Different Times and Intensities. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 7: 1180-1191.
  • Vignolio, O.R., G.S. Cambareri, L.R. Petigrosso, N. Murillo y N.O. Maceira. 2016. Reproductive development of Lotus tenuis (Fabaceae) crop defoliated at different times and intensities. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7:1180-1191
  • Villarino, S.H., Studdert, G., Baldassini, P., Cendoya, M. G., Ciuffoli, L., Mastrangelo, M. E. and Piñeiro, G. (2016). Deforestation impacts on soil organic carbon stocks in the Semiarid Chaco Region, Argentina. Science of the Total Environment, 575, 1056-1065.
  • Auer, A., Maceira, N., Nahuelhual, L., 2017. Agriculturisation and trade-offs between commodity production and cultural ecosystem services: A case study in the Argentinean Pampas. Journal of Rural Studies 53, p. 88-101.
  • Auer, A., Maceira, N., 2017. ¿Quién domina los procesos territoriales? Importancia de los diferentes capitales para un desarrollo sustentable. Caso de estudio: Partido de Balcarce, Argentina. Revista Interuniversitaria de Estudios Territoriales UNL-UdelaR. PAMPA 15, p. 47-81.
  • Giaccio, G., Laterra, P., Cabria, F. 2017. Floristic associations and filtering ability of riparian vegetation strips. Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany 86:112-123.
  • Herrera, L.P. F. Jaimes, M. Sabatino, S. Poggio. 2017. Una propuesta para valorar el estado de conservación de los bordes de caminos rurales en el Sudeste Bonaerense. Ecología Austral 27: 404-414.
  • Herrera, L., Sabatino, M., Jaimes, F. Saura, S. 2017. Landscape connectivity and the role of small habitat patches as stepping stones: An assessment of the grassland biome in Southern Pampa, Argentina. Biodiversity & Conservation 26: 3465-3479.
  • Kuemmerle, T., Altrichter, M., Baldi, G., Cabido, M., Camino, M., Cuellar, E., Cuellar, R.L., Decarre, J., Diaz, S., Gasparri, I., Gavier-Pizarro, G., Ginzburg, R., Giordano, A.J., Grau, H.R., Jobbagy, E., Leynaud, G., Macchi, L., Mastrangelo, M., Matteucci, S.D., Noss, A., Paruelo, J., Piquer-Rodriguez, M., Romero-Munoz, A., Semper-Pascual, A., Thompson, J., Torrella, S., Torres, R., Volante, J.N., Yanosky, A., Zak, M., 2017. Forest conservation: remember Gran Chaco. Science, 355, 465–465.
  • Laterra, P., Martín-López, B., Mastrangelo, M., Garibaldi, L. A., 2017. Servicios Ecosistémicos en Latinoamérica: De la investigación a la acción. Ecología Austral 27, 94-98.
  • Ligier, D., Barral, MP., Angelini, H., Puricceli, M. Murillo, N., Auer, A. 2017. Aportes a la caracterización territorial del partido de General Alvarado, provincia de Buenos Aires. Ediciones INTA. Disponible en: https://inta.gob.ar/documentos/aportes-a-lacaracterizacion-territorial-del-partido-de-general-alvarado-provincia-de-buenosaires.
  • Petigrosso, L.R.; Assuero, S.G.; Vignolio, O.R.; Romano, Y.; Colabelli, M.N.; Salvat, A.; Cristos, D. 2017. Interacción entre festuca alta infectada con endófito y Lotus tenuis bajo dos frecuencias de defoliación. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. En prensa
  • Rey Benayas, JM., Barral, M.P., Meli, P. Lecciones de cuatro meta-análisis globales sobre la restauración de la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos. Ecología Austral 27, 193-198.
  • Sabatino, M, J Farina, N Maceira, 2017. Flores de las Sierras de Tandilia. Guía para el reconocimiento de las plantas y sus visitantes florales. Balcarce, Ediciones INTA. 208 p.
  • Vignolio O.R.; Petigrosso L.R.; Rodríguez, I.; Murillo, N. 2017. Effects of temperature, photoperiod and defoliation on flowering time of Lotus tenuis (Fabaceae) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Experimental Agriculture, 1-11.
  • Villarino, S.H.; Studdert, G.A.; Baldassini, P.; Cendoya, M.G.; Ciuffoli, L.; Mastrángelo, M; Piñeiro G. 2017. Deforestation impacts on soil organic carbon stocks in the Semiarid Chaco Region, Argentina. Science of The Total Environment 575:1056-1065.
  • Weyland F, Barral, MP, Laterra P, 2017. Assessing the relationship between ecosystem functions and services: importance of local ecological conditions. Ecological Indicators 81, 201-213.
  • Auer, A., Nahuelhual, L., Maceira, N., 2018. Cultural ecosystem services trade-offs arising from agriculturization in Argentina: A case study in Mar Chiquita Basin. Applied Geography 91, p. 45-54.
  • Bernad L., P. D. Casado, Murillo, A. B. Picallo, C. A. Garriz, N. O. Maceira. 2018. Meat quality traits in the Greater rhea (Rhea americana) as influenced by muscle, sex and age. Poultry Science 97:1579-1587. DOI: 10.3382/ps/pey00
  • Campanello, P; von Below, J; Hilgert, N, Cookle, K; Villagra, M; Di Fransescantonio, D; García, D; Jaramillo, M; Gauto, O; Goldstein, G, 2018. ¿Es posible el uso sostenible del bosque en Misiones? Necesidades de manejo a diferentes escalas, investigación, intervenciones de alto impacto y más recursos económicos. Ecología Austral. vol.29 n°1. p122 - 137
  • Laterra, P., L. Nahuelhual, A., Monjeau, M. Gluch, X. Sirimarco, G. Bravo, 2018. How are jobs and ecosystem services linked at local scale? Ecosystem Services 35: 207-218
  • Mastrangelo, M. E., 2018. Aproximaciones al estudio del comportamiento de los productores agropecuarios en el Chaco Seco. Ecología Austral 28, 418-434.
  • Pedrana, J., Pütz, K., Bernad, L., Seco Pon, J.P., Gorosabel, A., Muñoz, S.D., Isacch, J.P., Matus, R., Blank, O., Lüthi, B., Lunardelli, M., Rojas, P. 2018. Migration routes and stopover sites of Upland Geese Chloephaga picta in Southern South America. Avian Biology Research 11:89-99
  • Pedrana J., Bernad L., Bernardos J., Seco Pon J.P., Isacch J.P., Muñoz S.D., Maceira N.O. 2018. Winter Population Size Estimations of Three Migratory Sheldgeese in the Southern Pampas, Argentina. Waterbirds 41:16-21. DOI: 10.1675/063.041.0103
  • Pedrana J., Bernad L., Maceira N.O., Isacch J.P. 2018. Niche overlap through habitat suitability models: a management tool for native birds of the Argentinean Pampas. Ardeola 65:25-40. DOI: 10.13157/arla.65.1.2018.ra2
  • Petigrosso, L R; O R Vignolio; I Damiano; M Echeverria; M N Colabelli, P E Gundel. 2018. Eradication of the fungus Epichloë coenophiala from Schedonorus arundinaceus (tall fescue) seeds by interrupting the vertical transmission process. Ecología Austral. En prensa.
  • Petigrosso, L.R.; Assuero, S.G.; Vignolio, O.R.; Romano, Y.; Colabelli, M.N.; Salvat, A.; Cristos, D. 2018. Interacción entre festuca alta infectada con endófito y Lotus tenuis bajo dos frecuencias de defoliación. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias 44(1):41-48.
  • Scioscia N.P., Olmos, L., Gorosábel, A., Bernad, B., Pedrana, J., Denegri, G.M. 2018. Natural infection in Pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) by Lagochilascaris major Leiper, 1910 (Nematoda: Ascarididae) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Parasitology Research p. 1-5.
  • Semper-Pascual A., Macchi L., Sabatini F.M., Decarre J., Baumann M., Blendinger P.G., Gómez-Valencia B., Mastrangelo M.E., Kuemmerle T., 2018. Mapping extinction debt highlights conservation opportunities for birds and mammals in the South American Chaco. Journal of Applied Ecology 55, 1218-1229.
  • Sirimarco, X., Barral, MP., Villarino, S., Laterra, P. 2018. Water regulation by grasslands: A global meta-analysis. Ecohydrology 11, e1934.
  • Vignolio, O R; S M Bassa Lafuente; L R Petigrosso; N L Murillo, 2018. Resiembra natural de Lotus tenuis (Wald et. Kit). Efectos de la defoliación sobre atributos reproductivos. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía La Plata 117 (1): 99-109.
  • Vignolio, O.R.; Ispizúa, V.N.; Garavano, E.G. Murillo, N.L. 2018. Solanum commersonii (Solanaceae), a wild potato growing among Paspalum quadrifarium tussocks (Poaceae) and under defoliation conditions. Ecología Austral. 28:374-382.
  • Villarino, S.H.; Studdert, G.A.; Laterra, P. 2018. Greenhouse gas inventories: Deriving soil organic carbon change factors and assessing soil depth relevance in Argentinean Semiarid Chaco. CATENA 169, 164–174.
  • Auer, A., Maceira, N., Mikkelsen, C., 2019. El proceso de agriculturización en territorios con diferente matriz ecológico-productiva. El caso de la cuenca Mar Chiquita, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista de geografía Norte Grande (Chile). En prensa
  • Barral, MP. Laterra, P., Maceira, N. 2019. Flood mitigation ecosystem service in landscapes of Argentina's Pampas: identifying winning and losing farmers. Journal of Environmental Management, 240:168-176.
  • Della Costa N. S., Navarro J. L., Bernad L., Marin R. H., Martella M. B. 2019. Effect of maternal environment on yolk corticosterone levels and its influence on adrenocortical and behavioral activity in chicks of Greater Rhea (Rhea americana). Hormones and Behavior 114 (Aug): 104534. DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2019.05.003
  • Giaccio, G, P Laterra, VC Aparicio, JL Costa, MM Puricelli, 2019. Retención de glifosato y nutrientes en vías de flujo preferencial. Ecología austral 29 (3), 329-338
  • Gorosábel, A., Pedrana, J., Bernad, L., Caballero, V.J., Muñoz, S.D., Maceira, N.O. 2019. Evaluating the impacts and benefits of sheldgeese on crop yields in the Pampas region of Argentina: a contribution for mitigating the conflicts with agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 279: 33–42.
  • Herrera L.P., Jaimes F., Garavano E., Delgado S., Ispizúa V. Vegetation in rural roadsides of the Pampa region (Argentina): an opportunity for grassland conservation? Ecoscience. En Edición.
  • Jaimes, F.R., Sabatino, M., Herrera, L. 2019. Caracterización del paisaje serrano de Tandilia (Buenos Aires, Argentina) utilizando SIG. Una aproximación para definir áreas prioritarias para la conservación. Revista de Estudios Ambientales 7: 39-65.
  • Mastrángelo, M. E., Pérez-Harguindeguy, N., Enrico, L., Bennett, E., Lavorel, S., Cumming, G. S., ... & Frishkoff, L. (2019). Key knowledge gaps to achieve global sustainability goals. Nature Sustainability, 2(12), 1115-1121.
  • Mastrangelo, M. E., Sun, Z., Seghezzo, L. & Mueller, D. (2019). Survey-based modelling of land-use intensity in agricultural frontiers of the Argentine Dry Chaco. Land-Use Policy, 88, 104183.
  • Martinetto, P., Alemany, D., Botto, F., Mastrángelo, M., Falabella, V., Acha, E. M., ... & Filippo, P. (2019). Linking the scientific knowledge on marine frontal systems with ecosystem services. Ambio, 1-16.
  • Mastrangelo, M. E., & Aguiar, S. (2019). Are Ecological Modernization Narratives Useful for Understanding and Steering Social-Ecological Change in the Argentine Chaco?. Sustainability, 11(13), 3593.
  • Okada, E., Allinson, M., Barral, M. P., Clarke, B., Allinson, G. 2019. Glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) are commonly found in urban streams and wetlands of Melbourne, Australia. Water Research, 115139.
  • Portalanza, D., Barral, MP., Villa-Cox, G., Estafanous, S., Herrera, P., Durigon, A., Ferraz, S. 2019. Mapping ecosystem services in a rural landscape dominated by cacao crop: A case study for Los Rios province, Ecuador. Ecological Indicators 107 105593.
  • Paruelo, J, P Laterra (Eds). El lugar de la naturaleza en la toma de decisiones. Editorial Ciccus, Buenos Aires.
  • Vallejos, M., Aguiar, S., Baldi, G., Mastrángelo, M. E., Gallego, F., Pacheco-Romero, M., ... & Paruelo, J. M. (2019). Social-Ecological Functional Types: Connecting People and Ecosystems in the Argentine Chaco. Ecosystems, 1-14.
  • Villarino, S.H.; Studdert, G. A.; Laterra, P. 2019. How does soil organic carbon mediate trade-offs between ecosystem services and agricultural production? Ecological Indicators. 103:280-288.
  • Weyland, F, ME Mastrangelo, A Auer, MP Barral, L, A Larrazábal, A Parera, LM Berrouet Cadavid, CP López Gómez, C Villegas Palacio, 2019. Ecosystem Services mainstreaming in Latin America: from theoretical promises to real applications. Ecosystem Services 35, 280-293.
  • Weyland, F, J Baudry, C Ghersa, 2019. Short-term effects of a severe drought on avian diversity and abundance in a Pampas Agroecosystem. Austral Ecology 44, 1340-1350.
  • Auer, A., Natinzon, P., Murillo, N. Manchado, J.C. 2020. Análisis de decisión multi-criterio, aportes para una gestión sostenible del territorio rural del Partido de Balcarce. Revista Estudios Ambientales, 8(1), p.59-94.
  • Auer, A., Von Below, J., Nahuelhual, L., Mastrangelo, M., Gonzalez, A., Gluch, M., Vallejos, M., Staiano, L., Laterra, P., Paruelo, J. 2020. The role of social capital and collective actions in natural capital conservation and management. Environmental Science and Policy 107, p. 168–178
  • Balvanera, P, N Pérez-Harguindeguy, M Perevochtchikova, P Laterra, D M Cáceres, A Langle-Flores, 2020. Ecosystem services research in Latin America 2.0: expanding collaboration across countries, disciplines, and sectors. Ecosystem Services 42, 101086
  • Barral, M.P., Villarino, S., Levers, C., Baumann, M., Kuemmerle, T., Mastrangelo, M.2020. Widespread and major losses in multiple ecosystem services as a result of agricultural expansion in the Argentine Chaco. Journal of Applied Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13740
  • Brauman, K. A., Garibaldi, L. A., Polasky, S., Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y., Brancalion, P. H., DeClerck, F., Jacob, U., Mastrangelo, M. E., Nkongolo, N., Palang, H., Pérez-Méndez, N., Shannon, L., Babu Shrestha, U., Strombom, E. and Verma, M. (2020). Global trends in nature’s contributions to people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(51), 32799-32805.
  • Civeira, G., Rositano, F. 2020. Evaluación ambiental en áreas urbanas y periurbanas de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires: ¿Cuál es la relación entre servicios de los ecosistemas e indicadores demográficos? Cuaderno Urbano 28:181-198
  • De Rito, M., Honaine, M., Herrera, L. 2020. Aplicación de un índice de naturalidad para las sierras del sistema de Tandilia. Revista del Museo de Ciencias Naturales 22: 75-9
  • De Rito, M., Auer, A., Arnaiz Schmitz, C., Maceira, N., Herrera, L. 2020. Linking management decision by farmers, their characteristics and perceptions of ecosystems services in the Southern Pampa of Argentina. Journal of Rural Studies (in press).
  • Gorosábel, A., Bernad, L., Pedrana, J., 2020. Ecosystem services provided by wildlife in the Pampas region, Argentina. Ecological Indicators. 117: 106576. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106576
  • Gorosábel, A., Estigarribia, L., Lopes, L.F., Martinez, A.M., Martínez-Lanfranco, J.A., Ademola, A.A., Rivera-Rebella, C., Oyinlola, M.A., 2020. Insights for policy-based conservation strategies for the Rio de la Plata grasslands through IPBES framework. Biota Neotropica. 20(suppl. 1): e20190902. https://doi.org/10.1590/1676- 0611-BN-2019-0902
  • Herrera L.P., Jaimes F., Garavano E., Delgado S., Ispizúa V. 2020. Vegetation in rural roadsides of the Pampa region (Argentina): an opportunity for grassland conservation? Écoscience 27: 127-140.
  • Macchi, L., Decarre, J., Goijman, A. P., Mastrangelo, M., Blendinger, P. G., Gavier‐Pizarro, G. I., ... & Kuemmerle, T. (2020). Trade‐offs between biodiversity and agriculture are moving targets in dynamic landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(10), 2054-2063.
  • Martinetto, P, D Alemany, F Botto, M Mastrángelo, V Falabella, E M Acha, G Antón, A Bianchi, C Campagna, G Cañete, P Filippo, O Iribarne, P Laterra, P Martínez, R Negri, A R Piola, S I Romero, D Santos, M Saraceno, 2020. Linking the scientific knowledge on marine frontal systems with ecosystem services. Ambio 49 (2), 541-556
  • Nanni, S. et al. 2020. Presiones para la conservación en las ecorregiones terrestres de Argentina. Ecología Austral 30: 304-320.
  • Pedrana, J., Püt, K., Bernad, L., Muñoz, S., Gorosábel, A., Castresana, G., Leiss, A., Seco Pon, J.P. 2020. Spatial and temporal variation in the migration of Ruddy-headed Geese in southern South America using satellite tagging. Bird Conservation International, 1-15. doi:10.1017/S0959270920000143
  • Pérez DJ, Okada E, Iturburu FG, Cantón G, DeGerónimo E, Aparicio VC, Costa JL, Menone ML. 2020. Monensin in surface water and its impact on aquatic biota in a stream of the southeast Pampas, Argentina. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 8530–8538.
  • Okada, E., Allinson, M., Barral, M. P., Clarke, B., Allinson, G. 2020. Glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) are commonly found in urban streams and wetlands of Melbourne, Australia. Water Research. 168:115139.
  • Rana, S; Ávila-García, D; Dib, V; Familia, L; Gerhardinger, L C; Martin, E; Martins, P I; Pompeu, J; Selomane, O; Tauli, J I; Tran, D H T; Valle, M; Von Below, J; Pereira, L M, 2020. The voices of youth in envisioning positive futures for nature and people. Ecosystems and People. vol.16 n°1. p326 - 344
  • Seghezzo, L., Huaranca, L. L., Vega, M. L., Jeckeln, G. V., Avalos, M. A., Iribarnegaray, M. A., Volante, J., Mónico Serrano, F. Mastrangelo, M. E., Sun, Z. & Müller, D. (2020). Sustainable farmers, deficient State? Self-reported agricultural sustainability in the Argentine Chaco region. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 18(6), 473-491.
  • Semper-Pascual, A., Burton, C., Baumann, M., Decarre, J., Gavier-Pizarro, G., Gómez-Valencia, B., Macchi, L., Mastrangelo, M., Potzschner, F., Zelaya, P. & Kuemmerle, T. (2021). How do habitat amount and habitat fragmentation drive time-delayed responses of biodiversity to land-use change? Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1942), 20202466.
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