integrantes del geap

The Agroecosytems and Rural Landscapes Research Group formalized within the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata in the early 90s, under the inicial name of Group of Agroecology. Since that formalisation to date, the teaching and research team has established an academic environment in which several undergraduate and graduate theses have been made, many papers and books published and courses have been regularly dictated.

Currently, the Group is formed by 21 members including researchers from CONICET, INTA, graduate students and personnel. Our research and outreach activities follow three main lines: a) ecological processes in agroecosystems and rural landscapes, b) governance in agroecosystems and rural landscapes, and c) management of agroecosystems and rural landscapers.




Postdoc fellows

Graduate students

Undergraduate students

  • Aldana Ciani
  • Martina Premizzi
  • Nicolás Polo


retrato Muñoz

Sebastián Muñoz

Temporal visitors

  • 2013: Alejandra Carmona (Chile)
  • 2014: Fredy Alvarado Roberto (INECOL)
  • 2016: Claudia Flórez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
  • 2016: Jonathan Von Below (Instituto de Biología Subtropical)
  • 2018: Jonathan Von Below (Instituto de Biología Subtropical)

They made their undergrad thesis at GEAP

  • Santiago Bassa (2016)
  • Agustina Belén Bortolotti (2016)
  • Bruno Casali (2015)
  • Paloma Colacci (2018)
  • Ignacio Damiano (2017)
  • Dario Gartia
  • Matías García (2018)
  • Mariano Laboranti (2018)
  • Nicolás Martínez (2018)
  • Denis Moller (2019)
  • Diego Navarro (2018)
  • María Irastorza (2018)
  • María Verónica Nosquese (2017)
  • Josefina Omaña (2016)
  • Yésica Paola Romano (2016)
  • Angeles Prario Fioriti (2016)
  • Ignacio Rodríguez (2017)
  • Flavia Salvatierra (2019)
  • Rafael Santos (2017)
  • Emir Talab (2019)